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Current Promo Codes & Advertisers

  • MEL Science — A subscription service that offers monthly science boxes, combining hands-on experiments with VR and AR technologies to engage kids in studying science. Use the promo code flashforward at checkout and get 50% off for the first month for any MEL subscription!
  • Purple Carrot — The convenient way to cook up tasty, healthy plant-based meals that will leave you wanting more. Get $30 off your first box by going to www.purplecarrot.com and entering code FLASH at checkout today!
  • Shaker & Spoon — A subscription cocktail service that helps you learn how to make hand-crafted cocktails right at home. Get $20 off your first box at shakerandspoon.com/flashforward.
  • Tab for a Cause — A browser extension that lets you raise money for charity while doing your thing online. Join team Flash Forward by signing up at tabforacause.org/flashforward.
  • Tavour — Turn your fridge into the best craft beer bar around. Download the app and use the code flashforward for $10 off after your first order of $25 or more.

Want to reach a bunch of smartypants weirdos? Sounds like you want to advertise on Flash Forward! Get in touch for more information about stats, demographics and ad rates. Our ad sales are handled by the lovely folks at Multitude Productions.

I do good ads, and you don’t even have to take my word for it:

Looking for an ad you heard on the show? Here they are! Using the Flash Forward code is a great way to support the show AND get cool things you already want.

More About Ad Tech

Some advertisers you hear on Flash Forward use tracking pixel technology to see how successful their ads are on the show. Most of them run through a company called Chartable. You can find Chartable’s explanation for how it works here. If you want to dive even deeper here’s a more detailed FAQ.